We all know that the World of Warcraft is a vastly played MMORPG, and that, depending on the regions, the monthly fees
range from $US10 to $US25. And we also know that there are lots of addicts to this game. Here are the top 10 signs
that you're addicted to WoW, according to the Anti-World of Warcraft League:
1. You neglect even vital activities in order to keep on playing WoW
2. You actually forget to sleep
3. You expect that, in the outside world, people walk around with their names on top of their heads
4. You start making your money calculations in terms of gold, silver and copper coins
5. You refer to WoW players you know in the real world by their WoW characters' names
6. You break a date off so you can start/finish an instance
7. You go see a friend at the far side of the world and all you do with him/her is to kill elite mobs
8. You consider assignments as quests and expect rewards from them
9. When you see stunning scenery of any type, you immediately think of a similar WoW locale (i.e. Dun Murogh for a mountaineous
10. When you go on vacation, you bring your WoW-related computer equipment
Also, people tend to disagree on the percentage of World of Warcraft players that are actually addicted to the game:
the figures vary on a wide range, but as we go out and collect data, we at the Anti-WoW League estimate
that about four to five million players are addicted to the game, which would account for roughly 30-40% of the
total membership (as of January 12, 2011).
Upper management of the League also considers that World of Warcraft value farming/grinding skill and time investment
rather than pure role-playing skill. While success in player-vs-player and player-vs-environment modes are both gear-heavy
and skill-heavy, the best characters often belong to players that push their gaming endurance to the extreme, in order to
get both the skill and gear necessary to do well.
In short, if you don't play WoW already, DO NOT START PLAYING IT.